
Associate CounsellorDeedre Statz, RTC


** I am currently accepting new clients (online only) for individual counselling.

I am a Registered Therapeutic Counsellor (RTC #2531) and a member of the Association of Counselling Cooperative Therapists of Canada (ACCT). I am an online counsellor for individuals. I have been practicing since 2020 and I feel honoured to walk alongside clients as they discover their power, lean toward vulnerable connection, claim personal freedom & build thriving purposeful lives.

Some of my areas of concentration are:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Grief & loss
  • Death & dying
  • Life transitions
  • Self-esteem & self-worth
  • Spiritual crisis
  • Boundaries
  • Communication struggles
  • Desire for intimacy & connection in relationships
  • Supporting people with disabilities

About Me

As a young girl, I felt a bit lost. I always had a deep connection to the spiritual world and a strong sense of my own inner knowing. Yet deep down I was afraid to voice my spiritual awareness for fear of being judged or ridiculed. I was born with a physical challenge and have experienced discrimination and health challenges throughout my life. This led to periods marked by a severe lack of confidence and doubt in my self-worth. I also lost loved ones and have been through heartbreak and pain.

For many years I chose to conform to what I believed the world expected of me which manifested as me trying to blend in with people who are fully able bodied and place the needs of others before my own. I also felt that I should not burden anyone with the special requirements I need to be fully supported, and that I should be a good, polite and quiet woman. So many should’s! The cost of conforming was being disconnected from my values, authenticity, and ultimately, my happiness. I realized I had to do something different that would allow me to get real with myself, stand in my values and create boundaries. I chose to allow discomfort to be my greatest teacher.

Transcending these places started with a decision to develop an awareness of my intuition and inner guidance. By leaning into these desires and honing these skills, it allowed me to gain clarity and stop settling for less than I deserved.

I also knew I wanted to inspire, uplift and empower others. In 2016, I embarked on a three-year counsellor training program in Transpersonal Counselling with Clearmind International Institute. During my training I was given the opportunity to delve deeply into my personal history in a profoundly emotional and tender way.

Revisiting my past helped me to discover the narratives and stories I was investing in which were not helpful (to me or my loved ones) in any constructive way. I began to question old beliefs I had about myself and exchange them for more loving possibilities. I learned to develop compassion, gentleness and acceptance – not only for myself, but for those in my family and in the world. Two years after graduating, I went on to become an Instructor at Clearmind International Institute, and taught there for two years, helping others to achieve their dreams of becoming a counsellor.

In my practice I am passionate about equity, inclusion and social justice not only for people with disabilities but for all people.

As a white woman I have made it a priority to further my own education and training on the social and cultural impact of racism as a systemic construct that has impacted every aspect of our society. In January 2023, I took a training with White Awake an organization dedicated to educating white people about white supremacy and conditioning that is still present today. In this training I was able see how I have played a role in contributing to harm and injustice toward people of colour. I also learned how to sit in my own discomfort around this, and be in relationship with that discomfort in order to allow it to inspire change. I am dedicated to doing my part to stay accountable as a white person and I’m committed to ongoing learning and growth in this area.

I deeply believe all people deserve to be treated with dignity, respect, and to be seen as capable. I commit to standing in these values in all of our sessions together.

Counselling Philosophy / Therapeutic Approach

My approach is guided by a heart-centered desire to create connection with my clients so I can understand their core values and beliefs.

I am committed to creating a safe, non-judgmental space, so you can explore your world with curiosity and kindness. I believe our sessions can be simultaneously gentle and practical. We will work towards acceptance of the pieces that have brought you where you are today in your journey — even those pieces that feel sticky and difficult to navigate. Sometimes the process feels celebratory, and sometimes it feels raw and tender.

I feel privileged to walk alongside you as a collaborative partner in your experience and personal growth.

I am trained in the following modalities, which I use in my work with clients:

  • Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP)
  • Polyvagal Theory
  • Bowen Family Systems Theory
  • Attachment Theory
  • Person Centred Therapy
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  • Gestalt Therapy
  • A Course in Miracles & Mindfulness Practices
  • Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

Specialized Niche: Social Justice & Support for People with Disabilities

As a woman who has lived with cerebral palsy since birth, I am fiercely independent and passionate about education and advocacy for others who also live with disabilities.  I choose to embrace all the parts of me, including my disability, and I see this part of me as a strength and not a limitation.  I have grown to see myself as someone of value exactly as I am, just as everyone is.

I am keenly aware that people with disabilities face specific challenges such as accessibility issues, inadequate educational structures, financial limitations, discrimination and more. These hardships can easily lead to anxiety depression, loss of identity and lowered self-worth. The world is largely set up to accommodate people without disabilities, so some of these challenges can also make receiving counseling quite difficult.

I am determined to play an active role in creating change and advocating for social justice for all persons with disabilities.  I also am unwavering in holding and practicing my core values of equality and inclusion for everyone, in the counselling room and beyond.

My personal way of expressing these values at Breathing Space, is to make counselling more accessible to persons with disabilities who may face financial limitations.  I have a limited number of spots available to clients who require sliding scale options.  Please reach out to me via email to discuss these options further.

My Committment to You

I have profound respect for the courage it takes to begin counselling. As your counsellor, I am committed to holding your heart with dignity and compassion. I will be real, kind and fully present in our sessions together. I also commit to continually learning how to support you best throughout our work together.

Experience, Education & Training

University of Victoria, Bachelor of Fine Arts, 1998-2006
North Island College Interactive Media Program (Courtenay) 2008 -2015
Clearmind International Institute: 3-Year Counsellor Training Program, 2016-2019
Instructor and Teacher, Clearmind International Institute, 2021- 2023
AEDP Immersion Course 2020
Oceanside Hospice Training & Volunteering 2023
A Course in Miracles Group Facilitator 2022-Present
White Awake “Radical Genealogy” Training, January 2023

Clients Words of Love

“Deedre is a skilled therapist who has a warm and empathic approach. She is a gift to her craft.” – A

“Deedre’s compassion and understanding make it easy to feel heard, seen and understood. She is a wonderful counsellor.” – M

Deedre Statz holds a tender, sacred space for her clients. She is incredibly supportive and intuitive. – L


I am available for online sessions on Mondays (1:30pm – 5:30pm) and Tuesdays (3pm – 7pm).

Session Prices

Individual Counselling: $135 including GST for 60 minutes | $190 including GST for 90 minutes

Office Address

Unit G – 2802 St. John’s Street
Port Moody, BC
V3H 2C1


There is a flat, street-level entrance to the building. The entrance door does not have a button to automatically open the door. There is an all-genders washroom in the Centre.