Update on Sessions During Phase Two
By Nasreen Gulamhusein & Shahaa Kakar

As Phase Two of the pandemic begins and things slowly start to open up again, some of you might be wondering what Breathing Space is up to!
Phase 2 is still brand new, and as doors slowly start to reopen, there are many unknowns. In response to this, we will continue to offer counselling sessions exclusively online for the month of June. At the end of this month, we will post an update here on our blog about when in-person sessions will likely commence. (Online and/or telephone counselling will also continue to be available.)
Please know, we are in active discussions about how to best consider our collective safety, while also taking into consideration government guidelines and regulations. We realize things like plexiglass walls, masks, and gloves have impact on the therapeutic experience and environment. As we make our choices, we are deeply committed to giving you a safe experience – both physically and emotionally.
We so appreciate your patience as we figure out how best to take these next steps. One thing we know for certain — we miss seeing our clients in person so much! We are so looking forward to seeing everyone in-person again, hopefully sooner rather than later.
In the meantime — stay healthy, kind and safe!